Xiamen Airlines review: 737-800 business class Xiamen to Chengdu

Xiamen Airlines review: 737-800 business class Xiamen to Chengdu

Every now and then I get comments on my videos from people who have no idea how difficult it is to create these airline reviews. The only thing they see is me flying around in business class, making comments about the things that happen along the way. “Get a real job” they say – or even worse: “people like you disgust me”. Well, to those fine folks, all I can say is that you’re really gonna hate this review of Xiamen Airlines 737-800 business class.

Xiamen, China (XMN) – Chengdu, China (CTU)
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Aircraft: 737-800
Registration: B-1301
Duration: 2 hours 36 minutes
Seat: 12A (business class)

Xiamen Airlines 737-800 side view
Xiamen Airlines 737-800 side view illustration by Norebbo.com
xmn-ctu flight track
Our route from Xiamen to Chengdu today

My full review of Xiamen Airlines 737-800 business class from Xiamen to Chengdu

Once past customs and the security checkpoint after deplaning from the flight from LAX, I was really happy to be walking around the main terminal and getting the blood flowing through my veins again. I wasn’t necessarily craving lounge access this morning. Just walking around and getting the chance to stretch out a bit was good enough.

Unfortunately, it was a bit too early to check in for my connection to Chengdu so all I could do was hang out in the ticketing hall for a bit and catch up on work stuff.

Xiamen airport terminal
What’s the protocol for walking around a Chinese airport with a camera taking pics of everything? Getting thrown in jail within minutes of my arrival would have been incredibly inconvenient I reckon.

It took about an hour of waiting to be able to check in, and finally having a boarding pass in hand marked the official start of my second ever Xiamen Airlines review. If this was going to be anything like my Xiamen 787-9 business class experience, I was in for a real treat this morning.

Xiamen airport terminal pics
Inside the main terminal, boarding pass for my flight to Chengdu firmly in hand. And I’m still not in jail yet!

Sitting in the lounge for two hours was fun, but it got to the point where it was getting so busy and noisy that I figured I’d have more fun wandering the terminal instead. There was only an hour or so to go before they started boarding the flight, so it wasn’t a big deal to cut my lounge time short.

Besides – what good is an Xiamen Airlines review if I can’t say anything about the terminal at XMN itself? Not like there’s anything really amazing to mention about it or anything. It’s certainly nice, but there aren’t very many quiet places to sit in quiet solitude during peak hours. I ended up sitting in a high-traffic spot in front of a souvenir shop while I waited for my flight to board.

SANspotter selfie Xiamen airport China
If only there was a place to purchase souvenirs here at the Xiamen airport. If anyone knows of such a place, please let me know because I couldn’t find any!

The boarding process

Boarding a flight in a country where I understand none of the language is always hilariously good fun. A single high-volume (and very intense) announcement was made in Chinese precisely at the scheduled boarding time, which was followed by a mad rush of passengers towards the gate door. I understood none of it, but wasted no time fighting for my own space in line.

Xiamen Airlines gate agents
Let’s see if I can make it though this security checkpoint while taking pics and not getting arrested…

Our gate today was a bus gate – which seemed odd considering that the stairs leading to the jet bridge which led to the plane was connected directly to the terminal. Thankfully I’ve reached a point in life where I don’t dwell on the things I can’t understand, and any questions and/or concerns about the design of this terminal evaporated quickly as I worked on getting more content for this Xiamen Airlines review.

Xiamen Airlines 737-800 XMN airport
Fresh off the bus, and about to be hearded up into that jet bridge and onto the plane. #moo

Seat overview (it’s better if you read that with a thick Chinese accent)

Before continuing, I think it’s important to let you know that this flight was supposed to be a 787-8. That’s what it said it was going to be when I made the reservation 4 weeks prior, so you can imagine the disappointment I was feeling as I stepped onboard this 737-800. However, it’s really hard to hold a grudge when there are really friendly flight attendants there to greet you with a smile.

Xiamen Airlines flight attendants
If I knew how to warn her (in Chinese) that I’m a big nerd who takes pictures of my food and posts it on the Internet, I would have. Instead, all that came out of my mouth was a poorly-executed “Ni Hao!”
Xiamen Airlines 737-800 business class
This pic would have been so much better if this was a 787 like it was supposed to be.

As expected, the business class cabin of this aircraft was hardly anything to get excited about. It wasn’t any nicer than what I experienced in Alaska Airlines 737-800 first class six months ago, though I will give them extra credit for the generous application of neon blue seat fabric. Still, I can’t help but to think that a Xiamen Airlines 787-8 review would be much more fun. And a heck of a lot more interesting.

Xiamen Airlines 737-800 business class seats
Xiamen Airlines 737-800 business class seats. Would it have been too much to ask if they could swap this seat out for one of those leather ones back in the lounge?
Xiamen Airlines 737-800 business class seats leg room
Interestingly enough, I do believe there is more leg room in these seats compared to what I experienced in the lounge. When does that ever happen?
Xiamen Air business class seat pitch
This is actually more comfortable than the lounge! Oh – and those slippers were placed there by the flight attendant moments earlier. I can assure you that attentive service like that did NOT happen back in the lounge.

The flight attendants were extremely proactive and offered me the following (in this exact order):

  • Cold towel
  • The latest copy of The Beijing Review (opened to page 1)
  • Slippers (unpackaged for me and placed directly at my feet)
  • Drinks (a choice of orange juice or water)
Xiamen Airlines female flight attendant
The expression on her face leads me to believe that she heard that I was writing an Xiamen Airlines review and was doing her best to make it impossible for me not to say nice things. Or, maybe she’s always this nice and this is the level of service you’ll get on this airline all the time?
Pre departure drinks Xiamen Airlines
Water is boring, I know. But after experiencing what it’s like to be flying before the plane actually takes off in Austrian Airlines 777-200 business class recently, I’m not so keen on doing that again.
Xiamen Airlines 737 business class review
How much you wanna bet that sign on the bulkhead wall reads “no pictures allowed”?
SANspotter selfie Xiamen Airlines review
Thankfully I can’t read Chinese and my GoPro has a fully charged battery.
Xiamen Airlines 737-800 safety card
As a former visual designer for a very large company, I can only imagine the hell it is for the designers responsible for creating safety cards. Yeah, I should be taking notice of where the nearest emergency exits are, but I can’t help but to think how painful airline safety card design reviews are. “whaddya mean the arrows aren’t red enough??”

Departing Xiamen

I’ve heard mixed reviews of Xiamen Airlines lately, but from where I was sitting, I was starting to think that this may be one of the best airlines I’ve ever experienced. The business class seats on this rinky-dink 737 weren’t anything special, but the service was just as good as what I experienced in JAL 787-8 business class (which is saying a lot considering how good JAL is). I wouldn’t go as far as to say it was as good as what I experienced in Qatar A380 business class, but it was something special nonetheless.

Xiamen Airlines passengers
For as much time and effort I put into these airline reviews, I can only hope he’s reading sanspotter.com.

Our departure out of XMN was fairly routine, right down to the thick layer of haze which prevented any really amazing departure pics. There’s more detail in the video than what I’m showing here, but trust me – you’re not missing much.

Xiamen airport takeoff
Pretty much what every departure pic out of a Chinese airport looks like I guess. Check out the video to see more of the departure sequence!

I’m always paranoid about putting on slippers until the plane is hurtling towards cruising altitude (you never know when something is going to go wrong), but it felt great once I traded my trusty red travel sneakers for those navy blue slippers.

Xiamen Airlines slippers
The only thing missing from this pic is two thumbs up and a closeup of my satisfied face. Considering that getting a pic of all that is difficult when trying to hold the camera, this is all I could muster.

The meal service

As far as I could tell, there were two meal choices on this flight over to Chengdu this morning: Chinese and (kinda) western. Would it be a proper Xiamen Airlines review if I chose the (kinda) western option? I think not. Therefore, my mind was made up even before I looked at the menu!

Xiamen Airlines domestic business class menu
A menu with pictures? Thank you! This should be mandatory menu etiquette IMHO.

On a side note, it’s always funny when I inform an Asian flight attendant that I prefer the “traditional” option because most seem surprised (and delighted) that I would be so bold. At least that’s my experience…

Xiaofujian airlines business class lunch
Stewed beef noodle soup. Exactly what it looked like in the menu, which was immensely satisfying. It’s a lot more fun to know what your food is going to look like before it arrives!
Xiamen Airlines food quality
This close up picture is for the execs over at American Airlines. Maybe if they see what quality domestic business class food looks like, they’ll be inspired to try it themselves.

The food (all of it – right down to the last grain of rice) was incredibly good. Much better than what I experienced in China Airlines 777-300ER business class between Taipei and Seoul a few years ago. And probably equal to the food in Air China A330-200 business class.

SANspotter selfie Xiamen Airlines meal
What do you suppose that I’m going to be forever banned from American Airlines for that last comment? I’d have to live vicariously through my vast catalog of airline reviews if that ever happens I guess…

Part of the reason for the meal being so good was the fact that it was somewhat light. I’m not the biggest fan of really heavy airline meals (like I recently experienced in Vietnam Airlines A321 business class), and I found this to be the perfect balance of quantity vs weight. Well done Xiamen Airlines!

In-flight entertainment

You’ve probably noticed by now that there weren’t any video screens carved into the back of those 1990’s era seats. It’s hard not to notice stuff like that these days, especially when airlines like Delta are putting really large video screens in thier domestic US first class product (as you can see here in my Delta A321 first class review).

Anyway, the flight attendants handed out portable video players which were stuffed full of good movies and TV shows.

Xiamen Air personal entertainment tablets
Portable Android-based tablets stuffed with movies and TV shows – that’s all the entertainment you’re gonna get on these Xiamen Airlines 737’s. 

I personally didn’t find the quality of the catalog to be on par with a western airline, but that is to be expected since this is China after all and they heavily promote Chinese movies and television dramas. If you’re curious, I acted like an ignorant American and watched “Johnny English Strikes Again.”

Xiamen Airlines business class snack
BTW, these bowls of nuts came towards the end of the flight. Just when I was thinking that some crunchy protein would be nice to go with the movie…

The quality and performance of these portable video tablets was really good. The only real complaint I have is the fact there was no way to hang it on the back of the seat in front of me. Every other viewing location I tried (on the tray table and center arm rest) was nothing short of awkward.

The descent and landing into Chengdu

By the time we started the descent into Chengdu, I couldn’t help but to think that Xiamen Airlines is the best airline that nobody has ever heard of. Really!

Chengdu Airport arrival
On the final descent into Chengdu now, and…check out all those people on the hill watching planes! That means that it’s highly likely that there’s a pic of my arrival somewhere out there on the Internet, and I’m determined to find it…

Landing in Chengdu was really interesting. I’ve never been this deep into China before, and everything that I’ve heard about this amazing city has been, well…amazing.

The airport seemed to be quite interesting as well. I didn’t expect it to be as large as it was, it was really neat to see all the different kinds of traffic here (both international and domestic).

Chengdu airport
Is it too embarrassing to admit out loud that I thought that the Chengdu airport was going to be really small? Well, considering how I’ve publicly admitted to far more embarrassing things…probably not.
China eastern a320 Chengdu
How much you wanna bet this airplane arrived from a place I can’t pronounce properly? Double or nuthin’ says it’s headed out to someplace equally difficult for my brain to form syllables for.

Final thoughts

There are so many things that Xiamen Airlines is doing right. From the professionalism of the cabin crews to the food they serve at mealtime, I was impressed with all of it and I’m very much looking forward to flying with them again.

Xiamen Air review
Maybe instead of saying “no pictures allowed” it actually says “take tons of pics and blog about it!” Alrighty then. I can do that.

My only real criticisms don’t really have anything to do with the airline at all. You see, the only point during this journey from Los Angeles to Chengdu where I felt slightly out of place and confused was at the Xiamen airport. Yeah, it’s a nice enough facility, but it’s definitely showing it’s age and I didn’t really care for how small and cramped it was. It’s felt like a dark and gloomy place – at least compared to other big and beautiful airports in China such as Beijing and Shanghai.

I know. I probably sound really nitpicky complaining about such petty things, but this is an Xiamen Airlines review afterall and I am struggling to find ways to be critical. If the only thing that I’ve got to piss and moan about is the airport, I’d say that they’re doing pretty darn good.

Xiamen Air cabin crew
Once again, my lack of knowledge about the Chinese language prevented me from saying anything more than “xie xie” in a thick American accent on my way off this plane. I hope they realized how much I enjoyed this flight!

Comments (14)

  1. James B.

    May 28, 2019
    • SANspotter

      May 28, 2019
  2. Bruinsfan28

    May 29, 2019
  3. Albert

    June 9, 2019
    • SANspotter

      June 10, 2019
      • Junmei Chen

        January 18, 2020
    • Cindy

      April 28, 2020
  4. Albert

    June 16, 2019
    • SANspotter

      June 17, 2019
      • Sam

        September 6, 2019
        • SANspotter

          September 6, 2019
  5. Cindy

    April 28, 2020
    • SANspotter

      April 29, 2020

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