It wasn’t until I was standing there in the commuter terminal at OGG waiting for this flight to KOA that I realized that this sort of crazy multisegment island hopping adventure wasn’t nearly as glorious as I thought it was going to to be. I was really tired, feeling woozy from the motion sickness, and even a bit cold from all the wind and rain.

On top of that, two segments had already been completed and I hadn’t been able to capture even one “wow!” picture for my Instagram feed. These flights were just as much about photography opportunities as they were about the adventure itself, so I was starting to get the feeling the entire thing had been a bust so far.

Kahului, HI (OGG) – Kona, HI (KOA)
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Aircraft: Cessna 208 Grand Caravan
Registration: N847MA
Duration: 47 minutes
Seat: Row 5 (the last row – I had it all to myself)

norebbo mokulele airlines cessna 208 side view
Mokulele Airlines Cessna 208 Grand Caravan (N847MA) side view illustration by
air route from OGG tp KOA
Our route from OGG to KOA this morning: OGG V1 MAKEN V2 UPP VECKI8

I knew I was in trouble as soon as the agent at the gate door told me that I would be seated in the last row for the hop over to KOA. I knew very well that the ride in the back was a lot more bumpy than being up front, so I tried to use the power of positive thinking to prevent the feelings of motion sickness from coming on any stronger. And to be honest, it wasn’t all that difficult to think positive. I was in Hawaii for crying out loud – things are never so bad when you’re in Hawaii, right?

mokulele airlines gate OGG
The Mokulele agent is just about to throw open the gates so that we can walk out to the plane. Let’s do this!
mokulele airlines boarding pass
My failed attempt at a boarding pass pic.

There was a equipment swap for this flight over to Kona. Instead of getting back on N839MA, we were herded towards N847MA, another Cessna 208 painted in the old Mokulele livery. The difference between the two liveries isn’t very noticeable at first, and as a matter of fact I didn’t even see the difference until I had returned home and reviewed the pics.

mokulele airlines ogg airport
Walking out to the plane. There was an equipment swap for this segment, so I will not be getting back on the plane I flew in on.
mokulele airlines boarding door
Waiting my turn to step onboard.
moklulele airlines logo
This particular aircraft was sporting the old livery, which is almost the same as the new one, but with the older logo and a few other minor differences.

The interior of this plane was nearly identical to the other one, and just like the previous two flights, we moved off the gate just as soon as they closed the boarding door and the captain gave his live welcome speech.

mokulele airlines cessna 208 interior
The two people in front of me were on holiday from Europe (Germany I think). That’s a long way from home!

It has been a long time since I’ve been to OGG (17 years!) so I was quite looking forward to getting a look at this airport again as we made our way out to the runway. Unfortunately, we never went anywhere near the main runway – we took off on 5 instead, which is on the back side of the airport away from all the action. I didn’t get to see anything, and once again, it felt like yet another thing about this island-hopping trip that didn’t go as expected.

mokulele airlines cessna 208 interior detail
Kind of feels like being in jail way back here in the last row. Not that I would know what being in jail feels like…
mokulele airlines kahului airport
Buzzing our way out to the departure runway.

We were up and away in just seconds after starting our takeoff roll, which a weird feeling compared to the long take off rolls of larger airliners. It makes the plane feel eager to fly (if that makes any sense) which is a bit reassuring when flying in such a tiny little airplane. Not so reassuring however, is the way little airplanes like the 208 get tossed around in even the lightest winds. Hold on to your hats boys and girls…it’s gonna be a wild ride to KOA today.

departing OGG
See? Not all of Maui is covered in that dried yellow grass.
departing OGG airport
Looking back at OGG as we make our way out.
maui coastline
Sun or no sun, Maui is always stunning.
cessna 208 interior flying over maui
I love how raw and industrial the interior of the Cessna 208 is. A stark contrast to the natural beauty of the Maui coastline right outside the window!
SANspotter selfie mokulele airlines maui
Trying my best to look like an excited travel blogger, but the ugly look on my face is telling of trouble yet to come…
flying along maui coastline
I really need to go back to Maui sometime soon. I almost felt guilty for not staying more than 10 minutes on this short stopover!
flying through clouds mokulele cessna 208
And just like that…clouds.

The first few minutes of the flight were spent flying through a solid white cloud mass, and I was thrilled to death to finally see bits of blue sky and sunshine a short time later. Might Mother Nature cooperate a bit on this final segment over to Kona? I was hoping with all my might that she was in a giving mood this morning, because I really wanted to get some nice pictures from this adventure that weren’t so dull and gloomy.

breaking through the clouds mokulele cessna 208
The first blue sky I’ve seen all day!

Unfortunately, Mrs. Nature wasn’t so generous after all and it wasn’t long until we were flying through a solid cloud mass again. Not only that, the winds aloft were quite strong still and we were getting pushed around in all directions flying through it.

flying through rain cessna 208
Well that didn’t last long. Back into the clouds (and rain) we go.
mokulele cessna 208 inside
With nothing but a solid white mass of clouds outside, there was not much else to do but take pics of the interior.

10 minutes went by. Then 20. It was about the 30 minute mark that I realized that there was a pretty good chance that I would not make it all the way to KOA without testing one of those little white Mokulele barf bags. Oh god no. How embarrassing would that be?? The silver lining in this situation was that I was all alone in the last row, with everyone else facing the other direction. Quietly barfing my guts out into a little bag without anyone even noticing seemed entirely possible – but I was trying as hard as I could to avoid that situation.

“This is awesome Scott! Think of how fun these Mokulele Airlines trip reports are going to be to write! I’m having so much fun, and I’m so lucky to…”

Unfortunately, this cheesy motivational thinking was not working at all to help me feel better, and I reached for the barf bag and set it beside me knowing that it was only a matter of time now. We either land ASAP, or I’m gonna lose my breakfast. Shit just got real.

sick SANspotter
Get. Me. Off. This. Plane.

Those darn clouds! The bumpiness of the flight would have been perfectly tolerable if it weren’t for the fact that I couldn’t see a thing out the windows for the entire flight. Looking straight up the aisle to watch the map in the cockpit only made things worse. I couldn’t exactly understand what the navigation map was showing, and I found myself concentrating on that little display for far too long. And since there was no horizon to look at outside, there was no way to reset my bearings when I started feeling ill.

There I sat, alone in the back of this little Cessna 208, bouncing through the clouds with one hand gripping the seat and the other lying at the ready next to the barf bag. It was right at the point where I mentally gave up and committed to using that bag when I could hear (and see) the pilots cut the engine for the decent into KOA. Just hearing the sound of the engine revving down and feeling the plane drop was enough of an adrenaline rush to fend back the feelings of barf city. We were (finally) going to be on the ground soon.

descending into KOA
Feeling that wing drop and the engine cut out was a lifesaver. I just might make it!
KOA approach
Just being able to see the surface of the ocean helped to calm my nerves a bit. I was still feeling terrible at this point though.

The shores of the big island came into view just a few minutes later, and we twisted and turned our way down to runway 35 at a pace that I very much agreed with. This was not an easy and slow decent! One moment we were bouncing through solid white cloud mass and the next we were dive-bombing Kona. It’s almost as if the pilots saw me in their rear-view mirror and were terrified of having to clean up a big mess if they didn’t get me on the ground soon. Whatever the reason for the fast decent, I was quite thankful of it.

big island coastline hawaii
I see laaaand!
flying over kona international airport
Making our downwind approach for runway three five at KOA.
Kona airport approach
Making the turn…
KOA final approach
The terrain surrounding KOA is amazing. It’s all volcanic ash with dry brush on top.
KOA airport mokluele airlines cessna 208
Sorry, I was too distracted with illness to get a good touchdown pic. I just wanted off that plane ASAP!
KOA airport mokluele airlines cessna 208
Are we there yet? Can I get off now?

Never in my life have I ever been happier to step out of an airplane. It was a miserable flight to say the least, and I couldn’t help but wonder if any of the other passengers were feeling ill as well. Most everyone seemed to look fine as we were walking into the little commuter terminal here at KOA and I didn’t see anyone running for the bushes and letting loose.

mokulele cessna 208 N847MA Kona airport
One last look at N847MA before walking into the terminal. The woman on the left looks like she had a rough ride as well…
Mokulele Airlines kona international airport
So long Mokulele Airlines. It was fun, but man was I ever happy to be on solid ground again.

The Mokulele Airlines terminal at KOA is tiny. Like rural-US-farmland-hay-barn tiny. The building literally reminded me our neighbor’s old metal hay barn that we used to play on as kids while growing up in Michigan. It was so tiny as a matter of fact, that if you wanted an airport or rental car shuttle bus, you had to call for one with your own phone. At least there was a sign right outside with phone numbers listed on it.

Mokulele Airlines terminal building KOA
The Mokulele Airlines terminal building here at Kona International Airport.

As I was waiting for the Avis Rental Car shuttle bus to arrive, I overheard a young woman who was also on that flight telling her boyfriend “oh my god, I’m never doing that again”. I asked her if she felt sick, and she replied with a laugh and an exxagerarted puke expression on her face. Amen sister. Amen.

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  1. Haha, this looks more like torture 😀 Not sure I’d call it fun 😀

    I’d probably pay more and take a large plane for hops between islands, I think Hawaiian use B717 or something similar size. Worth the extra $$$ 😀

    1. Oh I totally agree with you John (lol!) but as an AvGeek I couldn’t resist trying this. And now that I’ve done it, it’s unlikely that I’ll ever do it again! But come on…you gotta do it once though…

      1. Yes, I probably should do it once. Maybe have a couple drinks before – but that’d likely make it worse 😀

    1. Most people would, but the novelty of flying Mokelele was worth it. A really fun experience for sure.

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