Perhaps the worst thing about this entire Korean Air 747-8 business class review is knowing that it’s going away relatively soon(ish).
It was the best long-haul premium experience I’ve ever had on a Korean airline, yet they still feel the need to scrap it. How dare they!
Just for clarification: it’s the 747-8 they are scrapping. Their long-haul international business class product (Prestige Class) will live on of course. Just not on the best aircraft ever made, that’s all.
Seoul, South Korea (ICN) – Atlanta, GA (ATL)
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Aircraft: 747-8
Registration: HL7638
Duration: 13 hours 2 minutes
Seat: 12B (Business Class / Prestige Class)
My full review of Korean Air 747-8 business class (Prestige Class) from Seoul to Atlanta
What you’re about to read is an obnoxiously detailed (and fun!) review of what it was like to fly from ICN to ATL in the upper deck of a Korean Air 747-8.
If you recall for my last 747 upper deck experience (Thai Airways 747-400 business class), I ain’t never one to turn down a ride up top on the Queen. As disgusting as that sounds.
My arrival at ICN
I arrived at Incheon Airport at 6:10am on another KE 747-8 from Singapore. That was also in business class, but on the lower deck. It was the perfect appetizer for this 13 1/2 hour upper deck long haul to Atlanta.
The first order of business was grabbing a quick shower at the Korean Air Lounge. Eating wasn’t necessary considering that 1). I ate pretty good on the flight up from Singapore, and 2). I was dealing with a minor stomach bug (which was being a total a**hole and ruining my trip).
The boarding process for KE35 to ATL
The boarding process started exactly on time. Passengers / families needing extra time got to go first, and then they let loose with first class and business class (together).
Seat overview
The Prestige Class seats on the upper deck are just the same as the ones on the lower deck. The only difference is that there’s fewer of them, resulting in a far more intimate experience. Colors and textures are unmistakably “Korean Air.”
These seats are a lot more private than what you saw in my Korean Air A380 business class review. They’re just as functional though, with the usual 110V Power outlets, USB ports, and storage bins.
Even before sitting down, I knew I was in for a pretty good time. I hadn’t even had a chance to dig through the amenity kit before a cheery flight attendant came by offering champagne, water, or orange juice. It almost seemed as if she wanted me to try all three.
The departure
Our gate departure was 12 minutes late (at 9:32am). Our taxi time to runway 15R took 7 minutes longer than scheduled (it was 17 minutes total). Takeoff happened 19 minutes late (at 9:49am). And you know what? I didn’t even give a sh*t. I was too comfortable to care!
As usual, I shot a full video of the taxi and takeoff sequence as well. I highly recommend watching it full screen (and cranking up the volume):
In-flight entertainment
The most important thing to know about the in-flight entertainment in Prestige Class on Korean Air: The use of the remote control AND your spectacles will be required.
This is the result of the video screen being completely unreachable from a seated position. It’s really far away from the seat.
The fact that I didn’t recognize most of the movies and TV shows should be of no concern to you. I may be out of touch with the current times, but I was still very much impressed with the amount of content available.
I listened to “Jet Airliner” by the Steve Miller Band (twice) while watching the clouds go by on the external camera. “But my heart keeps calling me backwards, as I get on the 747-8…”
The first meal service
In general, I consider the food in Korean Air business class to be good – but not excellent. I always enjoy their wide variety of Korean and western choices though, and the offerings on this flight were as interesting as ever. It was really hard to decide!
The appetizer (smoked salmon with balsamic dressing and vegetables) was next. Are they ashamed of their Korean roots or something?
The side dishes consisted of steamed white rice and pickles. The mystery beefy pickle dish (which I assume was the “Bulgogi” beef they were talking about) was the best:
Three separate items were offered for dessert: a fruit and cheese plate, fresh fruit, and ice cream. I attempted everything except the ice cream.
Seat comfort
The combination of having a window seat on the upper deck of the 747 made for a very cozy and comfortable sleeping experience. These are very private lie-flat seats – especially the ones along the windows. Ain’t nobody gonna see you drool.
The business class lavatory
There are actually two lavatories on the upper deck of the 747-8. Both are located at the very front of the cabin (near the cockpit door). RIP to the pilots who were forced (against their will) to listen to us make disgusting noises for 13+ hours.
The second meal service
The cabin lights came on approximately 2 1/2 hours prior to landing in Atlanta. I wasn’t even expecting much for this second meal service, but it ended up being just as substantial as the first. Those flight attendants worked hard on this flight.
The descent and arrival into Atlanta
By the time they began the descent, we were still just a few minutes behind schedule. And I’m sorry to report that it was gloomy all the way in. Atlanta didn’t exactly put on her best for us this morning.
For all you stats and data nerds out there, we touched down on runway 09R at 9:57 AM. Taxi to the gate (F1) took just six minutes. I shot exactly 1.2 GB of video footage all the way in. My heart rate was slightly elevated at 60 bpm (according to my Apple Watch).
Pros and cons
All I’m going to say is that this was probably my best Boeing 747 experience ever. Yeah, United 747-400 upper deck business class was pretty cool, but the service on this flight was nothing short of phenomenal.
- Seat privacy is excellent. I didn’t even hear a peep from the person sitting next to me for the entire 13 hours.
- Any window seat on the upper deck will be especially cozy thanks to the curved walls. You’ll also get a very deep storage compartment that other passengers won’t.
- The variety of food choices is excellent.
- Couples traveling together may not like these seats all that much. If you are traveling with someone, I recommend getting seats in the center section (on the lower deck) – and not ones along the windows.
- Anyone who has trouble seeing things in the distance might have an issue with the video screen being so far away.
Finally! Another 747 review! Glad to see the queen of the skies still operating!
I was honestly starting to think that I’d never do another 747 review. It’s slim pickings out there now – and it’s only gonna get worse after KE retires theirs.
What a cool review! If I’m not wrong, this is your first 747 review done in your current style, and it didn’t disappoint. Korean’s service looks great, and the look (and I guess feel) of the 747’s upper deck is awesome. It’s cool to think that the small, exclusive cabin you’re in is located above the world’s second largest commercial aircraft!
Also, just wondering, how would you say the 747-8 compares to the other variants? The cabin looks like the 787’s but with the 747’s shape and size, and I’m curious to see what it “feels” like.
Thanks Peter! Yeah, this was my first 747 review since before the pandemic. The sad thing is that there probably won’t be that many more from this point forward. There are so few of them left…
It was a really neat experience. It felt nothing like a 747 to be honest. It was super quiet, super smooth, and it felt a solid as a rock – much like how it feels flying on an A380. It’s nothing like the old 747-400s.
You’re welcome! Yeah, it’s sad how few (passenger) 747’s are left… Just 5 years ago, beofre the pandemic, pretty much every major airline had them, and seeing a 747 at places like LAX or LHR was pretty much a given. Now just 3 airlines have them, and are planning on phasing them out. At least there’s still plenty freighters, I guess…
On a lighter note, interesting how you found the 747-8 to be similar to the A380! I was guessing it would be quiet, but it’s interesting how smooth you said it is. I’m guessing it’s because of the wings, or maybe the longer fuselage.
im looking at your flightlog and seeing on feb 25 1997 you flew from dfw-day back n forth until march 24th
what gives.