Did you know that not all 787 economy class configurations are created equal?

It’s true: ANA (All Nippon Airways) has a dedicated fleet of Boeing 787’s for domestic use only, and it’s a little different than what you’re probably used to. 

The review you’re about to read is a long winded way of telling you that you should be thanking your lucky stars that they don’t use those bad boys on long haul routes.

They dense.

Hiroshima, Japan (HIJ) – Tokyo, Japan (HND)
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Aircraft: 787-8
Registration: JA825A
Duration: 1 hour 0 minutes
Seat: 10G (Economy)

ANA 787-8(JA825A) side view illustration
ANA 787-8 side view illustration by NorebboStock.com.
NH682 route map
Our route from Hiroshima to Tokyo Haneda this evening as NH682.

My full review of ANA 787 domestic economy from Hiroshima to Tokyo (Haneda)

Wait! Before you begin scratching your head as to why I’m posting yet another ANA 787 economy class review, it’s important to know that ANA 787 domestic economy is not the same thing as ANA 787-8 long haul economy

It’s two separate configurations: one for high-density domestic use, and the other for international flying. The following review is for the high-density domestic version.

Arrival at the Hiroshima Airport

We were actually booked on a 767-300 up to Haneda this particular evening. The kind lady who was checking us in offered to put us on an earlier flight (a 787) – which was scheduled to depart in less in 20 minutes. I mean, if she thought we had enough time, why the hell not?

It’s also worth mentioning that I wasn’t planning on doing a review for this segment (no matter what aircraft type it was). I changed my mind as she was busy pecking away at her keyboard updating our reservation…

ANA check in counter at the Hiroshima Airport
“F it – I guess I’ll review this flight after all.” Welcome to the ANA check in counter at the Hiroshima Airport!
Hiroshima airport terminal
That moment when you’re standing at the check in counter (having just decided to do a review of flight you weren’t planning on reviewing), and you realize that you desperately need pics for the review. This isn’t really a picture of anything, but it’s something.

Those of you just dying to see what the departures all of the Hiroshima Airport looks like should probably check out my ANA A321neo economy review. It hasn’t changed a bit since then.

Hiroshima airport gate area
Wait, what? It took less than three minutes to get through the security checkpoint and into the gate area. Either Japanese airport security is ultra efficient, or I blacked out somewhere along the way.
Passengers waiting for their flight at the Hiroshima airport
Judging by how neat and orderly the gate area is, it’s safe to assume that I’ve been conscious entire time. That’s my plane to Haneda by the way. Theirs too (probably).
ANA 787 parked at the gate Hiroshima airport
A closer look the 787 taking me (and them) up to HND this evening.
Hiroshima airport gate area
I’m not even kidding when I implied that there were other people here waiting on this flight to Haneda. Nearly all of these people are going to be all up in the guts of that 787 in about 15 minutes.
SANspotter at the Hiroshima airport in Japan
Not only that, so far, it seems that I’m going to be the only Caucasian on this 787 tonight. Nerdy white guy alert!

The boarding process

The gate area at the Hiroshima Airport is very small, but the planes ANA uses for the flights up to Tokyo aren’t. It was absolutely heaving with passengers waiting to board this 787 to Haneda.

ANA domestic 787 Hiroshima to Tokyo Haneda boarding pass
This 5 PM flight is basically the Businessman Express BTW. Not only was the only white guy, I was pretty much the only passenger not traveling on business. Leisure travel FTMFW.

The boarding process started just a few minutes behind schedule. With a zone 4 boarding pass, all I could do was stand back and watch the herding of the crowd until it was my turn to go.

Boarding ANA flight to Tokyo Haneda at Hiroshima airport
“Blibbity blibbity blah blah gozaimas!” I had no idea what the gate agents were saying, but it’s safe to assume that it’s my turn to board.
ANA domestic 787 forward  boarding door
I wonder if I’m even allowed to take this flight if I’m not traveling on business? Does writing stupid airline reviews count? God I hope so.
ANA domestic 787 business class cabin
They let me in! Not without forcing me to trudge through business class on my way back to economy though. How dare they tease me with such spacious accommodations!
ANA domestic 787 economy class aisle
Waiting for the aisle to clear (not even realizing that the empty seat right in front of me is mine for the ride up to Tokyo this evening). I ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.
ANA domestic 787 economy class cabin
Still waiting (and not realizing). At least it gave me this opportunity to take a picture of the ginormous economy class cabin here on the domestic 787.

Seat overview

As I mentioned above, ANA’s domestic are a little different. And by different, I mean dense AF. These are two-class airplanes (business class and economy class) designed for one thing: carrying as many passengers as possible over relatively short distances.

ANA domestic 787 bulkhead row 10
Oh! That’s my seat. Sweet!
Quickly sitting down in ANA domestic 787 economy class
An attempt to sit down as fast as possible before everyone on the entire plane noticed that I was standing next to my own seat without even realizing it.
ANA 787 domestic economy bulkhead row middle seat legroom
The good news: bulkhead row. The bad news: middle seat.
ANA 787 domestic economy bulkhead row leg room
Actually, this is the kind of middle seat that I can get behind (I mean “on”). That legroom!
ANA domestic 787 bulkhead wall with video screen
The view isn’t all that great from this seat, but I’m willing to tough it out.
ANA domestic 787 bulkhead row seat entertainment system remote control
Not only are these seats well equipped with headphone jacks and a remote control for the audio system…
ANA domestic 787 emergency exit door
… I get to be one of the first passengers sucked out of that door in the event of an explosive decompression. Score!

It’s important to note that these bulkhead row seats are pretty much the best economy seats on this airplane. They’re not typical of a true ANA 787 domestic economy experience.

Luckily for you, I actually had one of those “true” experiences a week prior to taking this flight. It was on another ANA domestic 787 from Haneda to Hiroshima. It was a middle seat in row 15. Seat 15F to be more specific:

ANA domestic 787 middle seat leg room
Seat 15F life. Easily the least amount of leg room I have ever experienced on a Boeing 787. “Dreamliner” my a**.
ANA domestic 787 row 15
Notice the lack of video screens (and the fact that nobody seems to be happy about their seating situation).
View from the middle seat ANA domestic 787 economy
Actually, there are video screens. It’s just overhead / 1970s style, that’s all.

In summary: seat choice makes all the difference on these airplanes. The bulkhead row was really nice. The middle seat a few rows back? Not so much.

The departure from HIJ

Pushback from the gate happened at 5:18 PM. Yeah, that was 8 minutes late, but considering that they were able to get me on an earlier flight made me not even care. Not even a little.

Extra legroom in bulkhead row aisle seat ANA domestic 77
“Blibbity blibbity blah blah gozaimas!” I can’t understand a lick of Japanese, but I know the sound of a boarding door slamming shut when I hear it. Heck yeah I’m gonna take that open aisle seat!
View of the premium economy cabin from economy class on an ANA domestic 787
In the air and on our way to Tokyo (7 minutes behind schedule now). The flight attendant who was sitting in that jumpseat got up awfully quick IMHO. But it’s kinda understandable given the fact that ending up in a SANspotter airline review would be like the worst thing ever.

Snacks and drinks

I highly recommend bringing your own snacks for ANA domestic economy flights. All you’re going to get is a half filled paper cup of tea, coffee, juice, or water. That’s it. There’s nothing else. The service (just like everything else in Japan) was extremely cheery and efficient though.

ANA domestic 787 economy class drink cart
Drinks (but no snacks – there’s never snacks) are on their way.
ANA domestic 787 bulkhead row tray table
I already know that the drink service in ANA domestic economy isn’t all that much to rave about, but gosh darn it, I’m ready.
ANA paper cup on tray table
See? Raving about this would be over exaggerating I think.
SANspotter drinking orange juice in ANA domestic 787 economy class
“Behold! A dazzling serving of orange juice, radiating sunshine in a petite paper cup! Each drop sparkles like liquid gold, bursting with zesty joy! The aroma dances in the air, promising a refreshing explosion of citrus delight! Sip it, and feel the vibrant energy of a thousand oranges!”

In-flight entertainment

Other than the noticeably tighter leg room, the lack of in seat video screens is the other main difference from the regular (long haul) economy class seats. 

There is audio entertainment though. Wi-Fi too. Streaming entertainment is available (via the complementary Wi-Fi), and it consists of ANA’s usual catalog of movies and TV shows.

Video screen on bulkhead wall in ANA 787 domestic economy class
In-flight entertainment option number one: you watch whatever is playing on the video screen on the wall in front of you. And you’ll like it.
ANA domestic 787 in-flight Wi-Fi
In-flight entertainment option number two: access Sky Live TV the via the complementary Wi-Fi service. Plot twist: it requires the ANA mobile app to be pre-installed on your phone or tablet (which I neglected to do before takeoff). I’ll bet it was awesome.

Seat comfort

Honestly, I didn’t really notice that much of a difference in seat padding between the domestic seats and the long haul seats. The main difference is the amount of leg room. It’s absolutely abysmal on these domestic 787s. Except for the bulkhead row.

ANA domestic 787 economy class bulkhead row 10
I say again: the bulkhead row (row 10) is the MF jam. You won’t find a more comfortable economy class seat in any other row on this entire airplane.
Relaxing in ANA domestic 787 economy class bulkhead row
Yeah, the seats are hard and narrow (and there’s the danger of being sucked out of that door in the event of an explosive decompression), but gosh darn it, this bulkhead row is awfully nice.

Arrival at Haneda Airport

We touched down on runway 34L at exactly 6:27 PM – which was 10 minutes behind schedule. It was as if the Pilot in Command was none too pleased with that, because by the time we arrived at the gate, we were exactly on time (6:35 PM). Nailed it.

Unbuckling seatbelt in ANA domestic 787 economy class
“Blibbity blibbity blah blah gozaimas!” (I think they just welcomed us to Haneda Airport).
ANA domestic 787 economy class passengers deplaning
The moment immediately after the seatbelt sign turned off. It’s almost as if someone yelled “SQUUUIIIIRRRLL!!” or something lol.
Waiting to deplane ANA domestic 787 economy class
I ain’t afraid of no squirrel. And if I’m being honest, I quite enjoyed this domestic economy experience.
Passengers exiting ANA domestic 787
Even in Japan (the most polite and courteous society on the planet), nobody is gonna let you into the aisle unless you get aggressive and wedge your way in. At least they’ll have the courtesy to apologize (profusely) for having the audacity to step in front of you.
Exiting forward boarding door ANA domestic 787
And there you have it. If there was anything to learn from this review, it’s that I can’t speak Japanese the bulkhead row is the way to go.

Pros and cons

Let’s be real here. How stupid is it to have any complaints at all about a Boeing 787 configured specifically for high density short haul routes? Uncomfortable or not, I’d kill for something like that here in the US.


  • It’s way cooler than flying a 737 (or A320).
  • The seats may be uncomfortable, but the service is typical ANA (which is always excellent).
  • Decent in-flight entertainment exists – as long as you remember to download the ANA app before your flight.


  • Leg room in the non-bulkhead rows isn’t good.
  • There are no in-seat video screens. Remember to download the ANA app before your flight if you want in-flight entertainment!
  • RIP to you and your 45 minute connection if you happen to be stuck in the last few rows. The 787 is a big airplane, so it’ll take a while before you can deplane.

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    1. Thanks! My recommendation probably would’ve been Hainan lol.

      It’s hard to go wrong with any of the Japanese or Korean airlines though – I’d just take whichever one I could find the best deal on.

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