If you’re looking for a perfect example of what happens when a fast moving / trend setting airline drags their feet on updating some of their older aircraft types, look no further than Alaska Airlines 737-900ER first class.
The Alaskan-themed tapestry on the bulkhead walls (which I quite like BTW) reminds me of the 1970s. The deep blue mood lighting is very 2016. The wrinkly (and thicc) recliner-style seats remind me of the mid 2000s. The streaming in-flight entertainment and lightning fast Wi-Fi? Current times, baby!
Basically, this is a first class experience which will have you reminiscing about the past while reaping the benefits of modern technology. It weird. And I like it.
Seattle, WA (SEA) – San Diego, CA (SAN)
Friday, November 17, 2023
Aircraft: 737-990ER
Registration: N260AK
Duration: 2 hours 25 minutes
Seat: 4A (first class)
Alaska Airlines 737-900ER (N260AK) side view illustration by NorebboStock.com.Our route from Seattle to San Diego today as AS1096.
My full review of Alaska Airlines 737-900ER first class from Seattle to San Diego
Considering that my last flight on an Alaska Airlines a 737-900 was almost six years ago, I was very much looking forward to seeing what (if anything) had changed. I wasn’t expecting much, but I assumed there had to be something…
Arrival at the Seattle Tacoma International Airport
Is arriving at the airport at 8:52 AM (for an 11:35 AM flight) considered too early? The mega airline / airport dork in me doesn’t really know anymore. I assumed my timing to be just about perfect – though I understand how some would consider it borderline insanity.
Welcome to the Seattle Tacoma International Airport! This is the home of Alaska Airlines – which is almost as weird as Northwest Airlines being based in Detroit (a city nowhere near the northwest). When did we as a society decide that it was OK to start disregarding geography?“You mocking me bro?”He’s totally mocking me.It’ll be obvious why Alaska Airlines set up camp here in Seattle once you take a peek inside the main terminal. It’s stunningly beautiful in here.Speaking of beautiful things, this is the Alaska Airlines 737-900ER which will be taking me down to San Diego this morning. BTW, what is it with that Eskimo? They’re multiplying!Gate D2 (which looks to be an excellent place to hide from condescending Eskimos) is where this flight will be departing from this morning.
The boarding process for flight number 1096 to San Diego
Boarding for this flight began exactly on time – though it wouldn’t have bothered me any if they were running late. The Seattle Tacoma International Airport is an amazing place to hang out (and eat), and spending a few extra hours here really wouldn’t have been the end of the world. Props to Alaska Airlines for staying on the ball though.
Let’s goooooo! Nevermind the fact that my boarding pass is indicating that boarding doesn’t begin for another 23 minutes. I’m ready AF.Here we go! This will be my third flight in Alaska Airlines 737-900ER first class. I’m kinda surprised they’ve allowed me to come back considering how stupid the video I made about my first experience was.“You can’t make me do this.”Describing the perfection that is the Alaska Airlines Fruit and Cheese Platter was all it took to get him moving along. Works every time.It’s good to be back in Alaska Airlines 737-900ER first class again! I can almost smell the fruit and cheese from the last flight.Please watch your elbows… bag full of dirty underwear coming through…
First class seats 4A and 4B (or as I like to call them, “places to sit while eating cheese”).Window seat passengers get kinda screwed when it comes to legroom. That metal box underneath the seat is everywhere my right foot wants to be!But we all got screwed when Alaska Airlines bought Virgin America (and promptly wiped their amazingly hip first class product from the face of this earth). *sigh*Even more depressing is the fact that this doesn’t look any fancier than what you saw in my Alaska Airlines E175 first class review. < shaking fest at the sky > VIRGIN AMERICA DIDN’T DESERVE TO DIE! < / shaking fest at the sky >It’s not all bad news though. Sure, the lack of video screens is a bummer, but……the traditional Alaskan tapestry on the bulkhead wall lives on! At the very least, this is proof that the Alaska Airlines executive team isn’t completely dead inside.They were even kind enough to leave enough money in the budget for full-size electrical outlets and USB-A ports between the seats. Bless their Virgin America-hating hearts.
The departure out of Seattle
Not only did they start the boarding process on time, they managed to get us all on board, situated, and ready to go far ahead of the scheduled departing time. Not an easy feat for a 100% full 737-900ER!
Did you know? Disconnecting from the jet bridge feels 10 times better when you do it 10 minutes early. This doesn’t mean I’m not still salty about the VX thing though.It occurred to me as we were pushing of the gate that maybe the reason he’s so smug is because he finally hooked up with Pualani (after years of chasing her all around the west coast and Hawaii). Get some!T-minus 25 minutes until being reunited with the Signature Alaska Airlines Fruit and Cheese Platter. Life could certainly be worse.Oh – I didn’t mention it earlier, but you can see some of that Alaskan-themed tapestry on the rear bulkhead wall as well. We’ll have to wait and see what Pualani thinks about that…‘Later Seattle! I’d bet pretty much anything that the Eskimo on our vertical stabilizer is giving this Delta A330-900neo the finger as we blast off. He just seems like that kind of guy.Wait for it…Mt Rainier! It’s one of Earth’s most beautiful zits IMHO. Top 5 (at least).History lesson: There have been two fatal airplane crashes on Mt Rainier since 1946. I’m actually surprised there haven’t been more considering how close this thing is to the airport.
In-flight entertainment
Delta, United, and American Airlines are doubling down on video screens in every seat on every aircraft in their fleet. Alaska Airlines, on the other hand, seems to have said “nah bro, I’m good.” This doesn’t mean that the in-flight entertainment you’ll find in Alaska Airlines 737-900 first class is inferior (or straight up bad). They offer a very good streaming service, with fairly decent Wi-Fi as well.
The last time I flew Alaska Airlines 737-900 first class (2018), they provided each first class passenger with an Android-based tablet loaded with movies and TV shows. This time? You’re SOL without a smartphone, tablet, or laptop of your own.This looks like a pretty good selection of in-flight entertainment to me! PornHub fans will be disappointed though.Those of you who don’t like holding your phone for two hours are probably going to be disappointed as well. Ain’t no personal device holders built into the seatback headrests unfortunately.Text messaging is free for everyone, but Wi-Fi is only available to anyone not stingy enough to shell out 8 whole dollars.I’m such an idiot. It wasn’t until the very end of the flight that I realized that there *is* a personal device holder built into the tray table. All this hand cramping was for nothing!Here’s a demonstration of said personal device holders built into the tray tables a picture of people far smarter than me.
The food
If there’s one thing that has gotten worse since my last flight on one of these aircraft, it’s the food. Now, don’t give me wrong – the Alaska Airlines Signature Fruit and Cheese Platter is (and always has been) phenomenal. It’s the best fruit and cheese platter in the US IMHO. That said, they don’t seem to be offering substantial meals (other than sandwiches and salads) much anymore.
Those of you were hoping to see what French Sauvignon Blanc (instead of this Diet Coke) I chose to pair with my cheese are reading the wrong blog. Just sayin’.I have no idea why the Alaska Airlines Signature Fruit and Cheese Platter makes me so stinkin’ (pun intended) happy, but it does.It was either this or a sandwich of some kind. Those who chose the sandwich are dead to me.Get in my belly!I like the fact that this fruit and cheese platter is mass produced / low budget enough that even the grapes taste like cheese. Mmm!
Seat comfort
Despite how pillowy and fluffy the 737-900 first class seats look compared to what you’ll find on the MAX 9, overall comfort is just about the same. Legroom is identical, and your back will hurt just as bad after any flight of decent length.
Post-cheese lounging (with no complaints from me about the legroom).Seat recline is alright (but not great). Not that you’d want to do that anyway with a belly full of fizzy soda and pungent cheese.
It’s also worth noting that this 737-900ER first class experience is no different than what you saw in my Alaska Airlines 737-800 first class review. At the time of this writing, if you want the latest first class seat, you’ll have to fly on a 737 MAX aircraft.
The arrival into San Diego
Even when taking pictures directly into the sun through blotchy airplane windows, the views of San Diego on approach into SAN never disappoint. It was another picture perfect arrival, made even better thanks to being several minutes early.
Seems we’ve lost a bit of time in the air, and we’re now only four minutes early. What a load of malarkey!They don’t call it America’s Finest City for nothin’.This is fine. Really, really fine. The finest.Welcome to San Diego!Interesting. Normally Alaska Airlines flights park at Terminal 2 East here at SAN, but we’re headed for Terminal 2 West (the international gates) instead. Looks like someone is headed to Mexico in a couple hours!Gate 50? Let’s hope the catering trucks have enough gas to drive all the way over here from Terminal 2 East.Imagine flying all the way to Mexico without a fruit and cheese platter. ‘Malarkey’ isn’t a strong enough word to describe that kind of horror IMHO. That’s straight up bulls**t!I’m not sure what the plans are for updating these 737-900ERs with the latest first class seats, but I wouldn’t rush if I were them. This is still a perfectly fine (and comfortable) domestic first class product.I mean, it would be criminal to replace seats that are worn down / shiny enough to reflect the overhead mood lighting.Hasta luego Amigo! Have fun in Mexico – and try not to buy any cool airlines while you’re down there, OK?
Pros and cons of the Alaska Airlines 737-900ER first class experience
Despite being some of the oldest aircraft in the fleet, the Alaska -900ER first class experience is easily as competitive (or better) than many other domestic US first class products. I would definitely choose this over United 737-900 first class. I would not, however, choose this over Delta 737-900 first class though. That is a slightly superior product (thanks to more substantial food options and high-quality video screens at every seat).
The streaming in-flight entertainment (and Wi-Fi) is every bit as good as what you find in most other domestic US first class products.
Many Alaska 737-900ERs feature the Boeing Sky Interior (which features mood lighting, spacious overhead bins, and narrower walls – which increases cabin width).
The cheese. That glorious fruit and cheese.
The seats are very basic (and do not include storage bins of any kind).
I (and your fellow passengers) will hope you’re not lactose intolerant, because the cheese is the best thing on the menu.
Yeah, there’s definitely more room in the aisle seat. That box is what I believe to be an electronics box of some sort, which doesn’t make sense since there are no electronic gadgets (video screens, power recline, etc) in these seats.
I was about to say that this experience was “the best of both worlds” and something about the cabin being modern while still having the older, more comfy seats, so I was surprised to read that seat comfort is the same as on the MAX.
Anyway, other than that, I really liked the Eskimo jokes throughout this review, and your praise of the Fruit and Cheese Platter made it seem like you were on AS’s catering provider’s payroll lol. You’ve made me curious to try it out the next time I fly on Alaska!
Oh, and, just curious, of all the First Class products you’ve flown on/reviewed since October, which one would you say was the best? And the worst? (Other than UA E175 first class haha)
“The best of both worlds” could have been a great title for this! It’s definitely a first class product with a little something for everyone lol. Also, I’m slightly concerned that I have overhyped the cheese platter. It’s good, but I am very much aware that I am a man of simple tastes. I can’t wait for the inevitable “your advice sucked” messages…
The United 737 MAX 9 is the winner so far! Honorable mention goes to both of the American Airlines flights (for the surprisingly high-quality food).
The worst was probably those same American Airlines flights (haha). The seats are awfully basic compared to the competition IMHO.
Looks like there’s more under the seat room with the aisle seat. Is there? What’s that metal box under the seat in front of you?
Yeah, there’s definitely more room in the aisle seat. That box is what I believe to be an electronics box of some sort, which doesn’t make sense since there are no electronic gadgets (video screens, power recline, etc) in these seats.
I was about to say that this experience was “the best of both worlds” and something about the cabin being modern while still having the older, more comfy seats, so I was surprised to read that seat comfort is the same as on the MAX.
Anyway, other than that, I really liked the Eskimo jokes throughout this review, and your praise of the Fruit and Cheese Platter made it seem like you were on AS’s catering provider’s payroll lol. You’ve made me curious to try it out the next time I fly on Alaska!
Oh, and, just curious, of all the First Class products you’ve flown on/reviewed since October, which one would you say was the best? And the worst? (Other than UA E175 first class haha)
“The best of both worlds” could have been a great title for this! It’s definitely a first class product with a little something for everyone lol. Also, I’m slightly concerned that I have overhyped the cheese platter. It’s good, but I am very much aware that I am a man of simple tastes. I can’t wait for the inevitable “your advice sucked” messages…
The United 737 MAX 9 is the winner so far! Honorable mention goes to both of the American Airlines flights (for the surprisingly high-quality food).
The worst was probably those same American Airlines flights (haha). The seats are awfully basic compared to the competition IMHO.
are the cheese and fruit platters the only reason you fly AS? it seems that way to me lol.
Well, it certainly isn’t because of the condescending Eskimo. Long live the fruit and cheese platter!