One of the things I like most about flying is the fact that it gives me time to slow down and catch up on things. Things like podcasts, good music, and movies. The combination of my iPhone and AirPods makes catching up fun – and easy.
This post is a consolidation of my thoughts about using AirPods Pro on an airplane (which I’ve been doing for over six years now).

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All the things I like about using the AirPods Pro when flying
I do believe the AirPods Pro are worth every penny of the retail price, and I’m very satisfied overall. Here are all the specific things that I really like in regards to AirPods Pro and air travel:
- Just like most products in the Apple ecosystem, everything just works. My AirPods Pro connect to my iPhone every single time, and I never have to wait for a solid connection.
- The noise cancellation feature of the AirPods Pro are powerful enough to block the sound of a loud aircraft interior. Well, everything except the very back of American Airlines MD-83 economy (next to the engine). Unlike my original pair of AirPods that I bought back in late 2018, my newest pair of AirPods Pro makes it possible for me to listen to and enjoy music while in flight. Finally!
- Because of the in ear design, sound is much richer and fuller with the AirPods Pro compared to the regular AirPods. So not only is it possible to use my AirPods Pro for flying, they sound great for all types of music. From old school rap, to some very chill Billie Eilish, I can hear every note in perfect detail.
- The connection between the AirPods Pro and my iPhone is very strong. It’s possible able to leave my phone at my seat while using the lavatory at the back of the plane, and the connection remain solid the entire time. It has never once dropped out.
- The small size makes the AirPods Pro ideal for flying. Not only the earbuds themselves – but the charging case is very small and lightweight as well. I’m able to stick it in the smallest nooks and crannies (I’m talkin’ the deepest nether regions) of my carry-on bag.
- They’re tough! I don’t have to worry about being delicate with them, so throwing them into my backpack with no ****s given after a long flight is not a problem.

All the things I don’t like about the AirPods Pro for flying
As you just read above, I am generally very happy with them when it comes to listening to them on airplanes. However, it’s not a completely perfect experience. These are the issues that I constantly face:
- Because of the in-ear design, the AirPods Pro are definitely not as comfortable as my original pair of AirPods. I have to push these earbuds deep into my ear canal to be able to get a good seal in to get the most out of the noise cancellation feature, and this results in mild ear pain after about an hour or so.
- Battery life is just so so if you listen to music at higher volumes. I’ve never been able to get more than 5 hours on a single charge, so this alone is one of the biggest drawbacks to using the AirPods Pro under an airplane. Especially on long flights such as Los Angeles to Dubai, San Francisco to Melboure, or Singapore to Los Angeles.
- At the time of this writing, it’s not possible to use the AirPods Pro with all in-flight entertainment systems. However, it is possible to use AirPods Pro with non-Bluetooth enabled in-flight entertainment systems via a Bluetooth transponder device that you plug directly into the audio port under the video screen.
- Be careful if you fall asleep while wearing your AirPods! If they are not inserted firmly into your ears, they will have the tendency to fall out if you nod off and you aren’t paying attention. I learned this the hard way by nodding off for about an hour on that San Diego to Tokyo flight and I woke up with only one AirPod in my ear. I had to go crawling around on the floor to find the other. It would’ve been an expense mistake if I couldn’t find that little bugger!
- They are tiny (which is a total pain in the butt if you drop one and it ends up beneath the seat).

Frequently asked questions about using AirPods Pro on an airplane
I was extremely apprehensive about using AirPods on an airplane at first.
- Would the noise cancellation feature be good enough?
- Would they be comfortable enough to wear for hours on end?
- Just how long will the batteries last?
- Will it be possible to use them on very long flights?
These are just some the questions I had, and here are the following are the answers (and more):
Does the noise cancellation feature make AirPods Pro good for flying?
Yes! The biggest complaint I had about my original pair of AirPods with that I found it extremely difficult to listen to music since the ambient sound of most aircraft interiors is overpowering. The noise cancellation feature of the AirPods Pro solved this issue, and now I can listen to music at normal (safe) volume.
How comfortable are they?
I am a medium sized guy, and I use the medium sized tips that Apple provides in the box. Yet – I feel like they’re almost too tight when wearing them for longer durations. Everyone’s experience will be different of course, but that’s just mine.
Is the battery life suitable for long flights?
Any flight longer than 5 hours will be an issue for the AirPods Pro. That’s about the maximum amount of time I’ve ever got from a single charge, but there is good news: The charging case will charge the AirPods very quickly, and my (very unscientific) tests prove that I can get approximately a 75% recharge with just 15 minutes of charging time.
When the batteries die (and they eventually will) use that as an opportunity to take a break, stretch your legs, and go use the lavatory. Your AirPods will be sufficiently charged for more use when you get back to your seat.

What do the AirPods Pro sound like on an airplane with the noise cancellation feature turned off?
It’s pretty lousy actually. You won’t hear any detail in your music, and you’ll have to turn the volume up very high to hear muffled voices or soft sounds. Basically, it’s just like the original AirPods – which I could never listen to on airplanes because I simply couldn’t hear anything.
Will they block snoring sounds from other passengers?
Not entirely, but I’d say that it cuts down on the snoring sound by about 75%. Sitting next to a loud snorer on an airplane is one of my biggest travel pet peeves ever, so for me, this is one of the best reasons to use AirPods Pro on an airplane.
Will they block sound from crying babies?
Nope. But it’s enough to make a difference. My extremely unscientific guesstimate is that sounds from crying babies on airplanes is reduced by about 50%. Of course, it all depends on the baby (and how angry it is), so your results may vary.
Does the noise canceling feature work even if you’re not listening to music or podcasts?
Yes. As a matter of fact, this is one of the biggest reasons why I like using my AirPods Pro for flying. Much of the time I am far too busy taking pictures and getting video footage for my airline reviews, and I’m not in the mood for listening to music or podcasts. However, the noise cancellation feature is instantly activated when placed into the ears, and it drowns out the ambient sounds all around me. I can work in peace and quiet (in my own little world).
Is it possible to still hear announcements from the cabin crew when wearing the AirPods Pro?
Yes. Unless you’re on an older aircraft with in archaic PA system, you’ll have no problem hearing crew announcements while wearing your AirPods Pro with the noise cancellation feature on. It doesn’t block ambient sound 100%, so you’ll still be able to hear louder events such as cabin crew announcements.
Is it possible to have conversations with other people while wearing the AirPods Pro?
Whenever I am wearing my AirPods Pro with noise cancellation feature on, I am not able to have a normal conversation with the cabin crew. In other words, when it’s time to eat and they arrive at my seat with the meal cart, I can’t hear anything that they say. Not very cleanly anyway. In situations like this, I have to remove them entirely.

Some final thoughts
The AirPods Pro aren’t perfect, but I am perfectly satisfied with the way that they work on airplanes. As a matter of fact, I consider them to be a must have travel gadget – which is why you always see me wearing them in my airline reviews.
However, if you are extremely picky about the sound quality of your music and you will absolutely not tolerate anything but the absolute best, then these are not for you. In that case, a pair of over-the-ear headphones such as the Bose 700’s are what you’re looking for.
Hoping your staying safe and please…. Health before travel blogs….
Just hit home for us as our school district just shut down “until further notice”. And we’re the least populated state in the nation.
Thanks for checking in Andrew! I’m fine here at home – though nothing much has changed for me since I’m so antisocial anyway. lol Anyway, I’m writing a post about my current situation now, and it should be published tomorrow (or Wednesday at the latest). Stay safe up there!