Voluntarily choosing to return to Tijuana on a 737-700 instead of the 787-8 was a difficult decision to make. There was space available on the Dreamliner, and the price wasn’t any more expensive than the 737 either, so I think I actually cringed a little bit when I clicked the “purchase” button on aeromexico.com which locked in my decision to fly the smaller and less-exotic bird.

But there was simply no way I was going to drag myself to the airport in Mexico City to make a 7am flight (the time at which the 787 departed), so opting for a more leisurely 12:00pm 737-700 instead (in business class) seemed like the more relaxed and practical option. Oh I yearn for the days when I was younger and carefree about this kind of stuff! 10-years-younger SANspotter would have taken that 7am 787 departure like a boss, grinning from ear to ear the entire way home.

Mexico City, Mexico (MEX) – Tijuana, Mexico (TIJ)
Monday, March 14, 2016
Aircraft: 737-700
Seat: 3F (Premier Class / business class)

aeromexico 737-700 side view drawing
AeroMexico 737-700 (XA-CYM) side view illustration by Norebbo.com
mex-tij route map
The route from MEX to TIJ today – pretty much a straight shot, and completely clear skies!

Negativity aside, I secretly was looking forward to seeing how the 737-700 Premier Class cabin compared to the one I experienced several days prior on the flight down from Tijuana. My expectations were pretty low as the driver weaved his way through traffic on the way to the airport, but nonetheless, I was looking forward to the flight.

I was dropped off just outside terminal 2 at Mexico City Benito Juárez International Airport airport with approximately three hours before the departure to TIJ, which I admit was a bit too early (especially since 1 hour layovers are possible at MEX). I was actually expecting traffic to be worse on the way to the airport this morning, so I guess I got “lucky” arriving with so much time to spare.

No matter though – I checked in and printed my boarding pass at one of the self-serve kiosks just outside the main doors and was standing in the security line within minutes anxiously looking forward to checking out this “new to me” airport.

Terminal 2 main entrance
Terminal 2 main entrance at MEX / MMMX
aeromexico kiosk mexico city airport
Printing my boarding pass from one of the many kiosks right outside the main entrance.
MEX terminal 2
MEX terminal 2 departures hall
mexico city airport interior
Looking a bit to the left – this is a very nice looking airport.

Unfortunately, once inside I quickly discovered two things: first, there are very few windows to the outside world so photography and general plane spotting was not going to be an option. I hate closed in airports like that! What is the purpose of not letting people see outside? I really don’t get it.

Anyway, the second thing was the fact that the terminals were VERY crowded and there simply wasn’t anywhere quiet to sit.

It was right then and there that I nearly kicked myself for being a doofus and arriving so early. Oh well. Long story short, I was able to kill some time in the AeroMexico Lounge (Salon Premier Club) before heading back down to the main terminal to grab a quick salad for lunch.

Walking to the gate
Walking to the gate
mexico city airport ceiling pattern
Unfortunately, there are very few windows to see out of, so all there is to do while waiting is to look at the cool ceiling pattern.
mexico city airport mobile charging stations
Thankfully there were many charging stations for mobile devices, so that’s one other thing to do while you wait to board.
mexico city departure board
The flight information board was showing an on-time departure to TIJ. On time is always how I like to see it!
gate 62 mexico city airport terminal 2
Waiting here at gate 62 for boarding to begin.
XA-CYM aeromexico 737-700
Thankfully our aircraft to TIJ (XA-CYM) was parked right next to one of the only windows in the place, so I managed to get a halfway decent pic of it just before boarding started.

Boarding began right on time, and right away I found the AeroMexico boarding process to be a bit stressful here at MEX. It’s organized, for sure, but they way they make everyone line up beforehand by zone number creates really long lines that require snaking through an already crowded airport terminal.

Luckily I was one of the first in line for the SkyPriority lane, but the other lines did get a bit chaotic by the time boarding had begun.

aeromexico paper boarding pass
My boarding pass for this flight. I’m ready – let’s do this!

I kept telling myself not to expect too much for this flight as I walked down the jet bridge to board the plane. I was fully expecting a domestic US-style first class experience, and that’s pretty much what I found upon stepping onboard and getting my first look at the Premier Class cabin.

mexico city airport plane boarding
Starting the walk down to the jet bridge to board the plane.
boarding the plane mexico city airport
I do have to say that I really like open jet bridges. Wish they were all like this!
aeromexico 737-700 premier class
My first view of the Premier Class cabin on this 737-700. Yup – that looks like domestic US first class to me (not that I was expecting anything more).
aeromexico 737-700 premier class seats
Seats 3E and 3F. Mine was the window seat.
aeromexico 737-700 premier class cabin
Wide angle side view showing how much leg room there is up here in Premier Class on the 737-700.
aeromexico 737-700 business class seat pitch
Seat pitch was decent – it didn’t really feel all that tight.
aeromexico 737-700 premier class seat backs
No personal video screens to be found. However – the new Aeromexico 737 MAX 9 business class seats do feature a decent video entertainment system. Avoid the 737-700 if you hate being bored to tears in flight.
aeromexico 737-700 premier class messy cabin
But there was plenty of reading material available, stuffed very sloppily into the seat back pocket in front of me.
dirty premier class aeromexico 737
Speaking of messy – check out the condition of the center armrest. That’s borderline unacceptable in a premium cabin if you ask me.
AeroMexico 737-700 Premier Class cabin
AeroMexico 737-700 Premier Class cabin – view from the last (third) row.

I do have to say though that the seats were a bit more supportive and contoured compared to anything I’ve experienced in domestic US first class. These seats were certainly comfortable, but the default (upright) seat back angle was a bit too steep for me.

These seats have a bit of natural recline to them that just didn’t feel right IMHO. “Gangsta Lean” is the best way I can describe it.

Just as on my TIJ-MEX segment two days earlier, pre departure drinks were offered as the rest of the economy class passengers came onboard. I declined once again, mostly because I was crammed into a window seat for this flight and I wasn’t planning on getting up to use the lavatory.

Pushback and taxi out to the departure runway were completely non-eventful, though there were so many other airplanes on the ground zipping every direction possible meant that we had to stop and wait a lot. Stop and go. Stop and go – just like being in car traffic on the freeway!

mexico city airport
Here we go! Pushing back from the gate.
taxiing at mexico city airport
It was a long and slow taxi out to the departure runway due to congestion all around the airport.
departing mexico city airport
And we’re off!
Departing Mexico City
Departing Mexico City
departing out of MEX
I was surprised that it didn’t seem so dense around the perimeter of the airport (at least on this side).
mexico city from the air
But there were still pockets of really densely populated sections.
aeromexico 737-700
Climbing to cruising altitude.

If you’re interested, I also shot a full video of the taxi and take off sequence:

Once airborne and at cruising altitude, a beverage and snack service was offered which actually caught me off guard a bit. I didn’t get a snack on the 787 two days earlier, so I thought that it wasn’t part of the AeroMexico Premier Class experience. Not that I’m complaining, but I found this inconsistency interesting. Maybe they try harder on the 737’s to make up for the inferior seat? Hey, you never know…

aeromexico in flight snack
AeroMexico Premier Class beverage and snack service.

I should note that language issues are not a problem for AeroMexico passengers who can’t speak Spanish. The flight attendant spoke to me in Spanish at first when it came time to serve lunch, but quickly switched to English once she saw that I was struggling to mentally translate everything she said. She didn’t have to do that (I really wanted to practice my Spanish!) but I appreciated the gesture.

Speaking of lunch, the same exact meal I was served two days ago made another appearance. It was ok, but I was hoping for something different this time around (and perhaps a bit Mexican).

AeroMexico Premier Class lunch
AeroMexico Premier Class lunch – exactly the same that I experienced on the 787 two days earlier.

The flight attendants did well to keep drinks glasses filled and passengers happy for the rest of the flight, and I actually found myself sleepy enough to doze off for a solid hour. It wasn’t comfortable sleep in these big recliners, but I guess this 737 couldn’t hold my interest enough to keep me awake as much as the 787 did!

AeroMexico 737-700 Premier Class cabin
AeroMexico 737-700 Premier Class cabin shortly after lunch.
Gulf of California
Cruising over the northern shores of the Gulf of California
TIJ approach
Descending into the clouds on approach to TIJ.
Short final for TIJ / Tijuana
Short final for TIJ / Tijuana
tijuana airport
Welcome to Tijuana!
tijuana airport TIJ
At the gate waiting to get off the airplane.
XA-CYM tijuana airport mexico
One last look at XA-CYM here at the gate at TIJ – thanks for a great flight AeroMexico!
tijuana airport terminal
Walking through the terminal at TIJ after the flight – on my way to the CBX (Cross Border Xpress).

The descent into TIJ was visually similar to the the approach into SAN (as expected), so that helped to make me feel like I was home even though I wasn’t even on US soil once we touched down. No matter though – crossing the Cross Border Xpress bridge back to the US was simple and fast, and I was at my car on the US side within 15 minutes of landing.

So…do I regret snubbing the 787 in favor of the 737 for this segment? Personally, no. Don’t get me wrong – Aeromexico 787-8 business class is leaps and bounds better than what was on this old and tired 737, and there simply isn’t any comparison when it comes to the hard product.

I actually found the service (soft product) to be friendlier and more personable on this segment to TIJ, and the timing of the flight worked out much better for me as well. I’m satisfied with my decision, but those of you who seek as much comfort as possible on this route should look no further than the 787 and those dreamy lie-flat seats.

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  1. Hey Scott! You should try out the new AM 737-800 first-class (once this whole COVID stuff blows over, of course). It is spectacular, they have IFEs and the seats have been slightly improved. They also upgraded their 787 business class offering and it is greatly improved in my opinion; they are now like the old Delta One seats (1-2-1 reverse herringbone configuration, I think that’s what it’s called anyways LOL). Coming back to the new 737s vs the old ones, I think it’s like comparing the United CRJ with, well, any other aircraft in fact! Hehehe, I detest those pesky old CRJs as well… But hey! at least their windows don’t dim

    By the way, I absolutely love your trip reviews, and your humor, and pretty much everything about the whole Sanspotter brand. Seriously, you brang humanity (and humor, thank God) back to trip reports. Ben Schlappig is good, sure, and Sam Chui is amazing, but you are the best of all! Keep up the amazing work!

    1. Thanks Juan! Glad you’re enjoying my content! And yes – it’s been a while since I’ve last flown AeroMexico, and I’m very much looking forward to trying some of their new products. Maybe next year!

  2. Also, just a tip. If you ever get the chance to fly with AM again, when booking on their 737s, book their “comfort” fare instead of “premier”. You will get to sit in the premier cabin, for much, MUCH, less than if you bought the traditional “premier” fare.

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