Aer Lingus A330-200 economy review: DUB to LAX the Irish way!

Aer Lingus A330-200 economy review: DUB to LAX the Irish way!

I recently flew Aer Lingus A330-200 economy for the very first time. I hate to admit it, I wasn’t really expecting all that much.

The thing is, this is an airline that I’ve always considered to be somewhat plain. And bland. Then again, people have been accusing *me* of being plain and bland for my entire life, so – perhaps this was a match made in heaven?

Dublin, Ireland (DUB) – Los Angeles, CA (LAX)
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Aircraft: A330-202
Registration: EI-DUO
Duration: 10 hours 0 minutes
Seat: 33G (economy)

Aer Lingus A330-200 side view illustration
Aer Lingus A330-200 side view illustration by
ei145 flight track
Our route from DUB to LAX this afternoon as EI145.


My full review of Aer Lingus A330-200 economy class from Dublin to Los Angeles

After a one night stay at the Radisson Blu (located adjacent to DUB), I made a beeline straight towards Terminal 2 just after 8am. Well, more specifically, I was making a beeline for Aer Lingus flight number 145 to LAX, but I needed to traverse through Terminal 2 to get there.

Walking to Dublin Airport
Would it be too wimpy of me to take an Uber? It wasn’t the distance I was concerned with – it was those menacing-looking rain clouds.
Terminal 2 Dublin Airport
I survived the walk without getting drenched! Let’s rejoice in the fact that this Aer Lingus review isn’t going to start in the bathroom with me wringing out my clothes.
Aer Lingus Terminal 2 Dublin
Yup. Aer Lingus pretty much dominates all of Terminal 2 here in Dublin.
Terminal 2 Dublin Airport entrance
A brief pause here to practice my pronunciation of “Eitilti Amach” before proceeding. I couldn’t do it, but I proceeded anyway.

Before getting too far into this review, how about a huge round of applause for the Dublin airport authority? Long story short, this terminal is amazing! Leaps and bounds better that what I experienced on my last visit here in 2005.

Aer Lingus bag drop Dublin Airport
“Easy peazy” has made it’s way outside of the United Stares? Well, that’s embarrassing.

The pre-departure experience

Passing through the security checkpoint was lightning quick despite the number of US-bound flights departing this time of day. I’d estimate that the entire process took 25 minutes. Tops.

Rugby match Dublin Airport
Past security and out into the main terminal now. What have we here? A rugby match on the big screen, with a crowd of confused Americans asking the locals about the rules of the game after every play.

Since I wasn’t expecting Aer Lingus economy class fare to be anything remarkable, I figured that kicking things off with a 3000-calorie traditional Irish breakfast was the most appropriate thing to do.

Full Irish breakfast Dublin Airport
If I was going to do this Aer Lingus review justice, this full Irish breakfast was absolutely mandatory.
SANspotter selfie Dublin Airport
Keeping a very close eye on the flight information board to make sure my flight doesn’t leave without me.
Dublin Airport views
Breakfast fully consumed, it was time to head downstairs to the gate area. I wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised if the weight of that meal in my belly helped to move this escalator a little faster.

You know that healthy round of applause we all gave the Dublin airport authority just a moment earlier? All I’m gonna say is that it doesn’t apply to the basement gates. It’s tight down here.

Terminal 2 interior Dublin Airport
At first glance this doesn’t look so bad. However, you’re looking at pretty much the entire lower section of the terminal here and it wasn’t comfortable. At all.

On the plus side, there are big windows with really nice views of the action, and I arrived just in time to see my A330-200 arrive. So, maybe a golf clap is more appropriate.

EI-DUO Aer Lingus a330-200
That’s my plane to LAX pulling up! EI-DUO will be doing the honors today as EI145. #golfclap

I still can’t figure out why we were assigned a basement gate today. Level 2 of this terminal is quite large and very spacious, but for some reason or another we weren’t allowed the privilege of being up there with everyone else.

Gate 404 Dublin Airport
I was really hoping that my first ever Aer Lingus review would have more exciting boarding gate action. Unfortunately, this was all I had to deal with today.

The boarding process

The boarding process started exactly on time. In other news, that 3000-calorie breakfast was starting to come back and haunt me (in not so pleasant ways).

Aer Lingus mobile boarding pass EI145
EI145 ready for boarding here at gate 404. Am I ready though? It was right about now that I was fearful of the return of the full Irish breakfast I consumed earlier.
Aer Lingus boarding gate
Imagine a full A330 load of people packed into your local Starbucks, and that’s pretty much what it felt like down here at gate 404.
Dublin Airport jet bridge
See? We needed to go upstairs after all. But, I’m not the guy who makes the decisions, so all I could do was relish in the fact that I was gathering content for my first ever Aer Lingus A330-200 economy review. I relish about the oddest things, I know, but it is what it is.
Aer Lingus a330-200 boarding door
The moment of truth. Once I step aboard this plane, there’s nowhere to run if that full Irish breakfast situation escalates to the point of being out of control.
Aer Lingus flight attendants
“Hi. Just so you know, I’ll be filming pretty much everything onboard today in order to get great content for my review. Oh…and where’s the bathroom?”

Seat overview

Today’s aircraft over to Los Angeles is an A330-200, which surprised me considering how dense of a route it is. Wouldn’t it make more sense to use a larger A330-300 instead? At least the seats looked pretty good.

Aer Lingus a330-200 economy cabin
The Aer Lingus A330-200 economy cabin. This looks awfully similar to Hawaiian Airlines 717-200 economy, doesn’t it?
Aer Lingus A330-200 economy seats
Aer Lingus A330-200 economy seats. Unfortunately, that window seat isn’t mine.

You didn’t really think I’d take a window seat, did you? For the record, I love window seats just as much as anyone else, but not in long haul economy. Especially on days like today when the clearest and most direct route to the lavatory is preferred mandatory.

Anyway, as you can see, there are the usual pillows and blankets at every seat, and I was thinking that I liked what I saw so far. At least I thought so.

Aer Lingus economy leg room
Leg room looks to be decent as well, and as you can see here, I had plenty of room to wiggle and squirm as I posed for my usual “leg room” footage. I like to refer to it as the “SANspotter shuffle”.
Aer Lingus electrical outlets
Oh, and yeah. There are power outlets at every seat. But you’re gonna have to reach for them.
Aer Lingus video entertainment
FYI, the video entertainment system was very responsive and well-stocked with quality content. And…the full Irish breakfast situation seems to be under control. For now.
Aer Lingus A330-200 safety card
Why is the safety card telling *me* to fly safe? Isn’t that something we should be telling the pilots?

I’d also like to take a moment to say how impressed I am with this economy class cabin so far. For some reason or another I was expecting these old Aer Lingus a330-200s to be extremely ratty and worn down, but this felt (and looked) like a brand new airplane.

DUB-LAX flight track
A sight I’ve been all too familiar with this year. I was just on this same track a month ago in Air New Zealand 777-300ER economy from LHR to LAX!

The first meal service

What’s the deal with sour cream and chive pretzels in this part of the world? This is the exact same snack I got in British Airways A350-1000 premium economy a few days earlier, and I was really hoping to never see this stuff ever again.

Aer Lingus economy snack
Don’t get me wrong though. Despite my lack of enthusiasm for sour cream and chive pretzels, I totally ate them all.

Did you know that you can pre-purchase premium meals in Aer Lingus economy? You can, and you totally should. Why? Well, primarily because you will be served before everyone else. It’s also business-class quality food served on *real* dish ware.

Aer Lingus premium meal
Real food served on actual dish ware? I’ll bet you weren’t expecting to see this in an Aer Lingus economy review, were you?
Aer Lingus review
Slightly more appetizing than the not-so-subtle “FISH” sticker eluded to on the tin foil wrapper.
Aer Lingus premium food
Ok, it was a little soupy…but trust me. You wouldn’t have wanted the regular economy meal.

Also included with the premium meal is a free drink – I went with wine, but as I was recording the voiceover for the video I couldn’t help to think that I missed a huge opportunity by not going with a thick Irish beer instead. You know, the kind that leaves behind a sloppy foamy mustache after every sip.

Cabin comfort

With the first meal service complete, it was time to settle in and get comfortable for a few hours of “nothingness”. Thankfully, it’s fairly easy to get comfortable here on the Aer Lingus A330-200. Those in-between hours weren’t so bad.

Dublin to Los Angeles flight map
“Cheers!” I know that’s not very Irish thing to say right before taking a sip of water, but I wasn’t in the mood for a beer.
Aer Lingus a330-200 economy cabin
Wouldn’t *green* mood lighting would be better than blue? Just thinking out loud.

A little over half way through the flight, the flight attendants came through the aisles with little containers of vanilla ice cream. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love ice cream just as much as I did when I was 6 years old, but airplane ice cream is always rock hard and impossible to chisel into for at least 20 minutes.

Sanspotter selfie Aer Lingus
Rock hard ice cream: It’s about as frustrating as watching YouTube videos that buffer every 5 seconds.
SANspotter Aer Lingus review
Yup. Up in the aisle again waiting my turn to use the lav.

It was during my LATAM 787-8 economy class experience that I learned that being trapped in a window seat on a long haul flight isn’t much fun. Spending the entire flight trying to calculate my water consumption vs it’s relationship to cabin humidity and the eventual need to use the bathroom is hard!

Oh – and speaking of cabin humidity levels, this flight proved to me once again that I prefer the Boeing 777 for flights of this length instead of the A330. I’d recommend reading my in-depth A330 vs 777 comparison for all the details, but I will say that the low cabin humidity levels on the A330 wreak havoc on my sinuses. 

Aer Lingus mood lighting
Oh, come on. Surely there’s a way to make green mood lighting!

The second meal service

Good news: the full Irish breakfast situation had dwindled into “non-issue” status as we rolled into the 8th hour of flight, and I won’t be providing any extra lavatory footage for you today. You’re welcome.

Aer Lingus pre landing snack
Who’s in the mood for an Italian chicken calzone? They handed these things out just an hour and 30 minutes prior to landing, and I’ve gotta say that it was exactly the kind of thing I was in the mood for (well, green mood lighting would have been nice too).
Aer Lingus food
Ok, it was a little overcooked, but…really. This would be considered raw compared to some of the food I’ve mutilated in my own kitchen.
SANspotter selfie Aer Lingus economy
More proof that I will indeed eat anything put in front of me.

The descent and arrival into Los Angeles

In what is possibly the most abrupt end to an airline review ever: welcome to Los Angeles! This flight went by in a flash, and I definitely could have endured another 3 hours no problem. I mean, “easy peazy”.

EI145 flight map
We’re coming whether Los Angeles is ready of us or not!
EI145 arrival at LAX
Waiting. And vowing never (ever) to say “easy peazy” again for as long as I live.

So, the question is: is Aer Lingus long haul economy something you should avoid? Absolutely not in my opinion, and if you do end up trying it for yourself, can you please do me a favor? Tell them that SANspotter is still feeling bummed about the lack of green mood lighting. Thank you.

Aer Lingus economy experience
That feeling of being free after 10 long hours of sitting (and squirming) in a tiny seat. Wheeee!
End of Aer Lingus EI145 to LAX
The motion blur in this pic accurately represents the speed in which I was moving to get off this airplane. Not that this was a bad experience or anything, but walking is infinitely more fun when you haven’t done it in a while.

Oh! I can’t even believe that I forgot to mention one of the best things about flying to the US out of Ireland. Preclearance of US passport control and customs.

Yup, it felt so freaking awesome to arrive at LAX just as if this were a flight from Fresno or something. A perfect way to end this flight IMHO.

EI-DUO Aer Lingus A330-200
One last shot of EI-DUO as I make my way over to terminal 2 on the shuttle bus. I want to say that she was a good ride, but that sounds kinky and this is a family-friendly blog. Therefore, I will simply say this instead: the end.

Comments (13)

  1. syvjeff

    November 20, 2019
    • SANspotter

      November 21, 2019
  2. John S

    November 21, 2019
    • SANspotter

      November 22, 2019
  3. Michael

    January 6, 2020
  4. Tolya

    February 5, 2023
    • Scott (SANspotter)

      February 5, 2023
  5. Daniel Megli

    March 19, 2023
    • Scott (SANspotter)

      March 20, 2023
  6. Michael

    March 25, 2024
    • Scott (SANspotter)

      March 25, 2024
  7. Jana

    April 5, 2024
    • Scott (SANspotter)

      April 5, 2024

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